" Information under clause Schedule I, A 1.1.16 of Minimum Requirements for Annual M.B.B.S Admissions Regulations, 2020”

a.  Details of Dean/ Principal & Medical Superintendent including their name, qualification, complete address with telephone and STD code, fax and E-mail etc. Dean & Director
Medical Superintendent
b. Details of teaching as well as non-teaching staff. Teaching
c.   Details of the sanctioned intake capacity of various Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses. Recognition Letter 2022-23
UG & PG Affiliation Notification for 2023- 24
d.   List of students admitted merit-wise category-wise in MBBS and Postgraduate courses for the current and previous academic sessions. Academic year 2024 -25
Academic year 2023 -24
Academic year 2022 -23
Academic year 2021 -22
Academic Year 2020-21
e.   Research work, research grants and research publications during the last one year. Research Publications for the Academic Year 2022-2023
f.   Details of any Continuing Medical Education programmes, conferences and/or any academic activities conducted by the institution. Academic Activities
g.  Details of any awards and achievement received by the students or faculty. Awards & Achievements
h.      Result of all  examinations of last one year Last Year
i.      Details of status of recognition of all the courses NMC Recognition of MBBS Course is Awaited
j.   Details of fees for various courses and other costs. Fee Structure
k. Any other requirement as notified from time to time
l. Details of Clinical material in the hospital (OPD and IPD) updated on a digital dashboard every day. Clinical Material
m. Daily Biometric Attendance Dashboard. Dashboard
n. Citizen Charter Citizen Charter
o. Bed Distribution Bed Distribution